Cosmos and Roses
Hand Held Bouquet

Any bride would be very proud to walk down the isle with this bouquet of Roses and Seashell Cosmos. The largest rose is 6 inches across, made with bright red glass beads with intertwined silver beads to add a splash of shine.

The white Cosmos, with a hint of pink, are 5 inches across. Each center has little florets rising from the center to complement the curled petals of this unusual flower.

Intermixed with the Roses and Cosmos are Babies breath made with a mixture of shades of light blue to a dark purple beads. Each bead has an iridescent shimmer to catch the radiant glow of the bride.

The style of this bouquet is one of a waterfall of buds spilling out from the ball of full flowers.

The stem of this bouquet has been wrapped with dark green beads to allow these flowers to be carried down the aisle and placed in any vase.

Created in 2002
